
Isolation and Hope: My Raynaud’s Journey

Isolation and Hope: My Raynaud’s Journey

Nat 05/30/2022 10:43am

Raynaud’s is one of those “invisible” disabilities that makes a person feel like no one understands. “Invisible?” you might be thinking. "What about the flamboyantly colored fingers that change hues as flashily as a chameleon?" Yes, Raynaud’s is viewable with the naked eye, but... more »

This Raynaud's Picture Cracks Me Up: Nice Try, Internet

This Raynaud's Picture Cracks Me Up: Nice Try, Internet

Nat 05/18/2022 2:28pm

As someone who has a bad case of Raynaud’s Syndrome, I gotta admit the image Google uses for this usually really unfunny malady cracks me up.  Type "Raynaud's" into the world's most popular search engine, and you'll see a girl clutching a SNOWBALL IN HER BARE HAND. She’s in mid windup... more »

Ray-nodes, Ray-nods, Ray-noh? How you REALLY say Raynaud's

Ray-nodes, Ray-nods, Ray-noh? How you REALLY say Raynaud's

Nat 04/13/2022 4:11pm

On top of having to deal with cold hands, people with Raynaud’s must grapple with … not even knowing if they're saying their disease's name right. Ray-NODS? Ray-NODES? Ray-NOH? Another pronunciation entirely? (Spoiler: yes actually!)I go through phases where I'll say it one way or... more »