
The Brutally Honest Take On What It’s Like to Be Cold All the Time that Left Me Stunned

The Brutally Honest Take On What It’s Like to Be Cold All the Time that Left Me Stunned

Nat 07/03/2024 11:48am

I heard quite possibly the best conversation ever on what it’s like to be cold when everyone else thinks the temperature is fine. As someone who has Raynaud’s disease and gets uncomfortably chilly even in the hottest months of the year due to frigid AC, I’m still thinking about it... more »

I Have Raynaud's So I Created the Heated Gloves of My Dreams

I Have Raynaud's So I Created the Heated Gloves of My Dreams

Nat 08/11/2023 10:32am

Hello, my name is Natalie, and I’m a frosty — I’ve got a bad case of Raynaud's syndrome. It’s why I started Toasty Touch and created the world’s first-ever ultra thin heated gloves for people with this frustrating and poorly understood condition. It all... more »

Do Raynaud's Gloves Work?

Do Raynaud's Gloves Work?

Nat 07/06/2023 10:27am

“How can we put a man on the moon but we can’t keep my fingers warm?!” I might’ve yelled that into the abyss once or twice. If you’re like me and have a frustrating case of Raynaud's disease you know a lot of things intended to help simply don’t work.  People try... more »

Why Raynaud's Attacks Happen — In Comic Book Form!

Why Raynaud's Attacks Happen — In Comic Book Form!

Nat 04/07/2023 7:45pm

As a fan of graphic novels — favorites include Persepolis, Stitches, Nimona, and Tetris — I thought I’d try making a Raynaud's themed comic strip.  Voila! I present the story of the Capples! This comic delves into the big question of why Raynaud’s attacks happen, but... more »

Raynaud’s Attacks Can Strike Anytime. Be Ready.

Raynaud’s Attacks Can Strike Anytime. Be Ready.

Nat 02/17/2023 2:02pm

I knew it was too cold in my dentist’s office the second I walked through the door.  Ugh, my fingers aren’t going to last long, I gulped.  I have such a bad case of Raynaud’s syndrome that my family moved to Hawaii so I could escape the white-finger attacks, but even here... more »

Calling All Frustrated Raynaud's Warriors

Calling All Frustrated Raynaud's Warriors

Nat 09/21/2022 5:05pm

Does the following sound familiar? You’re somewhere. Could be a restaurant, a store, your work, a doctor’s office, anywhere. You look around and notice that everyone else in the room seems perfectly fine with the temperature.  Not you though. You knew the second you walked in and... more »

Raynaud's: A British Tabloid Obession

Raynaud's: A British Tabloid Obession

Nat 08/26/2022 4:39pm

Whenever I search for news about Raynaud’s syndrome, I find headlines that are, well, jarring and sensational. That’s what happens when much of the mainstream news being published about Raynaud’s comes from British tabloids.  “Star advised to ‘dip fingers in whiskey’... more »

What We Actually Know About Raynaud’s

What We Actually Know About Raynaud’s

Nat 08/08/2022 4:01pm

Raynaud’s was first described in medical literature by a French doctor way back in 1862, and yet it remains a mystery to this day.  Why are women so much more likely to have it? (Even in Maurice Raynaud’s initial study group, 20 of his 25 patients were female).  We don’t know the answer... more »

The Top 3 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Got Diagnosed with Raynaud's

The Top 3 Things I Wish I'd Known When I Got Diagnosed with Raynaud's

Nat 06/14/2022 7:27pm

All of a sudden, I had a severe case. Navigating what to do wasn't easy. I faced all sorts of hurdles and wrong turns. Here are some takeaways I've gathered from my own experience dealing with Raynaud’s. The following is just one frosty's perspective. I hope you find something here that helps you... more »

Got Raynaud’s? Warm water may not be your friend

Got Raynaud’s? Warm water may not be your friend

Nat 06/11/2022 6:54pm

When I first started having multiple Raynaud’s flare-ups a day, I swear I spent half my life standing at a faucet. And why not? I thought I’d figured out the most reliable way to reinvigorate my white, bloodless fingers.  First, I’d adjust the knobs to the exact, not-too-hot... more »